Monday, April 11, 2011

Insurance to Cover Insurance

Yes it has come to this. Customers who honorably pay their inflated insurance premiums dutifully and on time have to wonder what games their insurance company will play to deny or reduce their claim should the time arise that they ever need to file a claim. This insurance lunacy runs the gambit of all insurance arenas including auto, health, life, and property and has customers so scared of being denied or canceled when they file a legitimate and contractually obligated claim that people who have acute chest pains, for example, refuse to get checked out as they do not want to pay the bill and they are deathly afraid of a negative result getting back to their insurance carrier as either their premiums would increase dramatically or they will be canceled. Enough is enough.

It is not fair that a consumer who pays on time and in good faith is subjected to such demeaning and bad faith practices by the company the consumer specifically contracted to offset perceived and potential risk. It is not fair that the insurance company immediately takes an adversarial and intimidating stance any time any of its customers files a claim as the insurance company tortuously and unconstitutionally convicts the customer of filing a fraudulent claim without probable cause or evidence and mandates that the burden of proof of innocence is on the consumer. It is not fair that the insurance company adjustor is working against the interest of the customer while acting like the customer's best friend. It is not fair that the adjustor will savagely and sadistically employ psychological warfare against the in-duress customer in order to trap the customer in to making statements that will be leveraged to reduce or deny the claim. It is not fair that all regulatory bodies consider such unethical consumer abusing and bad faith practices as legitimate and fair practices. It is truly not fair that a consumer who employs the same bad faith tactics against the insurance company is guilty of insurance fraud but there are no penalties or consideration for the reverse injustice herein coined as "consumer fraud". No, consumer fraud is BIG business and the insurance companies are well leveraged to protect themselves from any potential liability for their bad faith policies and procedures.

While the concept of insurance to cover insurance is enticing, alas, it is unreasonable. Any risk assessment professional would cower at the prospect of insuring that the insurance company lives up to its contractually obligated policy. The risk assessment professional would know that despite the insurance company parking its Lamborghini outside the governmental assistance office and changing into its designer "poor" clothes before crying poverty, the insurance company is flush with cash and has spent a considerable amount to protect its "good neighbor" image. The costs and time associated with having to mitigate of all the insurance company's lies, deception, manipulation, and bad faith legalese make the concept of insurance to cover insurance a losing proposition.

As destitute as it sounds... there is HOPE. A professional independent water damage restoration company will have the resources and experience required to help its customer to force the customer's insurance company into restoring the customer's water damaged asset to its preloss condition by using a restoration company that is customer focused and will do everything it takes to satisfy the customer - not the lap dog of the insurance adjustor whose only ambition is to get a bone from the adjuster.

It's your money.
It's your choice.
Choose Wisely
Choose a customer focused, independent emergency restoration company.

This article is composed by and offered as a public service by Jimmy K.
Jimmy K is the Independent Owner and Operator of
Emergency Response Restoration
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32118.
Jimmy K is a true consumer advocate who is not afraid to battle the insurance company
to ensure the proper restoration of the consumer's water damaged home office or asset.

Looking for the Unfair Insurance Trade Practices Act

Emergency Response Restoration recently reviewed an attorney written article, on an attorney owned blog, which outlines the Unfair Insurance Trade Practices Act ("UITPA") and the reason for its inception in the 70's.  The article revels that Florida became the first state to implement portions of the UITPA into its  Florida's “Civil Remedy Statute” FL § 624.155, commonly known as the Florida Bad Faith Statute, in 1982 but a Google search for UITPA finds nothing and Google insists UITPA is spelled incorrectly and recommends UTPA or the University of Texas - Pan American.  Wikipedia and Bing had similar results which really makes one wonder why such pertinent and relevant consumer focused information is, apparently, not to be found although history revels the need for such information and governmental protection as early as the 1970's.  Similarly, a web search for "bad faith insurance florida" brings hundreds of hits and even revels attorneys and law firms that specialize in holding insurance companies accountable for their bad faith insurance practices.  It is clear that Bad Faith Insurance is BIG business and the insurance industry will stop at nothing to control all aspects of this vital and consumer necessitated information to unscrupulously protect its fraudulent and widely promoted "good neighbor" image.

Having served the our fellow Floridians for numerous years in good faith, Emergency Response Restoration can vividly recall a personal brush with such bad faith practices when a major insurance company dropped all of it FL Homeowner's Insurance customers, to protect its profits, but in the same breath told the same customers - it just purposely blighted - that they want to keep the automobile policies.  Any person or company with honorable intentions would be floored by the audacity of this asinine and other worldly concept but this insurance company was serious which reveals how out-of-touch these companies are with their customers and how inelastic and beyond reproach the insurance companies really envision themselves to be.

It is for these reasons that a customer who is suffering from accidental or emergency water damage needs to choose a company that is not the lap dog of the insurance company.  These adjustor preferred and adjustor recommended companies are preferred and recommended because they have demonstrated to the insurance company adjustor that they will cut whatever corners necessary to appease the adjustor meaning protect the profits and reduce costs by using substandard equipment, labor, or practices.  In turn, the insurance company then employs these same protected profits and cut costs to maintain the insurance company's image of being consumer focused while doing all it can to implement further bad faith practices and control all points to the contrary.

It's your money.
It's your choice.
Choose Wisely
Choose a customer focused, independent emergency restoration company.

This article is composed by and offered as a public service by Jimmy K.
Jimmy K is the Independent Owner and Operator of
Emergency Response Restoration
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL 32118.
Jimmy K is a true consumer advocate who is not afraid to battle the insurance company
to ensure the proper restoration of the consumer's water damaged home office or asset.